Men’s Bible Study
The men will study the book of James together this fall. Come, enrich your walk with the Lord by studying this very practical book. The men will meet every other Thursday at 8pm. Purchase the study guide here.
The men will study the book of James together this fall. Come, enrich your walk with the Lord by studying this very practical book. The men will meet every other Thursday at 8pm. Purchase the study guide here.
Make your plans to attend one of our summer home prayer groups this summer at 7pm. We will spend time in prayer and learning from the book, Before you Share your Faith, as we study the topic of evangelism. - Tuesdays @ Smith's home - Wednesdays @ Demetri's home - Wednesdays @ Williams' home
Our elementary kids are going through the story of the Bible in our curriculum from Truth78, while our teens are continuing a series on the attributes of God. Pastor Keith continues through a series on Christianity, World Religions, and Cults for adults. We'd love to have you join us.
Abortion decision in your past? Let God Heal your Heart
Make an effort to be in God's Word this fall with our women's Bible study that meets each Thursday evening. The women will be studying the book of Hebrews. You can purchase the study guide below.
Make an effort to be in God’s Word this fall with our men’s Bible study that meets each Thursday evening. The men will be studying the books of 1st & 2nd Timothy. You can purchase the study guide below.
Join us as we worship God together through singing, fellowshiping, and hearing from God's Word. Pastor Ben will bring the message from God's Word focusing on our church's mission statement.
Join us as we worship God together through singing, fellowshiping, and hearing from God's Word. Pastor Ben will bring the message from God's Word focusing on our church's mission statement.
Teens (7th-12th grade) are invited for a fun evening ice skating at the Fairfax Ice Arena. The church van will be available to leave at 8pm and return around 10:30pm. The cost will be $14. Please see Pastor Trevin for any questions.
There will be a ladies' game night on Friday, January 27th at 7pm at Tiffany French's house. Bring a salty or sweet snack to share and a favorite game if you have one.
Our church family hour provides an opportunity to further discuss church life, receive updates from missionaries, and be challenged from God's Word as we grow to be more like Christ. Elementary children will also be able to participate in children's choir during this time.
Our pre-k and elementary kids are going through the story of the Bible in our curriculum from Truth 78, while our teens are studying the book of Philippians. Pastor Keith is teaching the adult Sunday School class through an Old Testament Survey.
Make an effort to be in God's Word this Spring with our Women's Bible Study that meets each Thursday evening beginning February 2nd. The study will go through the book of Esther using Lydia Brownback's study. You can purchase the study guide below. .